How the Pandemic Changed New Home Design | EG Home Blog
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How the Pandemic Changed New Home Design

Bright home office with large window, desk, wicker chair, shelves, armchair, and decor items.

It’s no mystery why the housing market came completely unhinged during the pandemic. When businesses and schools shuttered physical locations and we were all forced to live 100% of our daily lives at home, many of us quickly figured out that our existing layouts didn’t quite work. 


We managed, though. We managed to work from home AND go to school virtually all in the same space — sometimes at the same kitchen table. We managed to do our online yoga sessions right next to our kids playing video games. And we sometimes managed (but not all the time) to keep our composure when everyone needed everything from us at the same time, but really we just needed a quiet place to go and be for a while. 


We managed, but it wasn’t ideal. We all wished for different spaces inside our homes so that we could all live comfortably and harmoniously together. The reality is that many aspects of our lives that shifted during the pandemic are here to stay, and we have the opportunity to design and build homes that are much more well-suited to what we need now.  


At EG Home, we watched and listened, then we took action. We’ve designed new floor plans that address how people need to live in their homes today, and how we’ll live even when the pandemic is long behind us. Below are just a few of the life-changing features we’re incorporating into our new homes throughout Connecticut, in places like Beacon Falls, Southbury, and Stonington


Flex Space

During the pandemic, all spaces became flexible — whether they were designed to be or not. Kitchen tables turned into classrooms, then had to be cleared in time for dinner. Corners of living rooms became offices, complete with constant foot traffic. Bedrooms became Zoom rooms, with literally no separation between private and public space.


The solution is to build private, flexible rooms into homes. Spaces, such as a loft or a study, that are nothing — until you need them to be something. And because they’re not built for any specific purpose, they may serve multiple purposes. As more companies only require employees to gather in person once or twice a week, flex spaces that can become workspaces without impacting the day-to-day lives of anyone else in the home are a game-changer.


More Useful Kitchens

If the kitchen is the heart of the home, the island is the heartbeat. With homework to be done, bills to be paid, snacks to be eaten, and meals to be prepared, the island helps keep a household running. Since this is where people naturally gravitate, why not make it even more practical? Larger islands with more seating and legroom have made their way into new American home design. 


Adding flexible storage adjacent to the kitchen is vital to keeping the kitchen and living space clear of clutter. Walk-in pantries, drop zones, wet bars and mudrooms are ideal for snack centers, drink stations, small appliance storage, or whatever you need to have a well-run and organized kitchen. 


Outdoor Living Spaces 

Outdoor living spaces are hot right now. Private outdoor spaces have been at the top of homebuyers’ priority list for years, but the pandemic heightened the desire for spaces that are just as beautiful and comfortable as their interior counterparts. 


Fun and functional outdoor rooms are one trend we’re gladly incorporating, in the form of sunrooms, decks, porches, and patios. Outdoor spaces with a near-seamless transition from indoors to out, featuring sliding doors and huge windows that offer uninterrupted views from the interior of the home to the outside. Creating comfortable places to eat, hang out – maybe even set up your workstation. 


Post-pandemic, the most desirable new homes won’t necessarily be the ones that have more space. They’ll be the ones that feature a smarter, more flexible use of space. Let us know what you need. Schedule an appointment now to see EG Home’s energy efficient new homes in Connecticut. 


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